Sunday, May 31, 2009

Super Cool Mom

You would never believe this gorgeous mama is on her 4th baby...and that she has a daughter who is in college!  Her beautiful daughter came with her to the studio and the two of them could pass for sisters...I swear!  "M" was so fun and easygoing.  It was a joy to get to know both of these ladies and I can't wait to photograph the new little princess.  "M" and her hubby have some very cool tattoos...and I'm thinking tattoos+newborn cutie=super cool baby photos!  Yeah I'm so lucky, I  have the best clients!  Thanks "M" and "M" for a great day and I can't wait to see the rest of the "S" clan for the next session!  ~Kristin

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Urban Maternity

Ok, I just LOVE this couple!  They were so much fun and how cute are they?  When they said they wanted to photograph their maternity photos downtown, I almost couldn't contain my joy!  I love the urban setting and this was just a perfect day with the perfect couple.  I hope that they love their shots and I can't wait to meet the little guy!  ~Kristin

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sweetly Sleeping

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby? Or even a sleeping toddler, or teenager? I think we all do it...stare at our sweet children as they sleep, it's as if all is calm and at peace in our world.
Sweet baby girl "P" slept so peacefully for us during much of our time together and I love it! (there will be plenty more photographs to come of her turning into a busy baby and toddler). I had a great time again with the "H" family...they were some of the calmest new parents I've been around...(I think dad may have even snoozed on the couch for a little while :) ) Thanks "H" family, hope you enjoy. ~Cory

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I've Been Tagged!

This is the first time I've been to me!  So anyway, photographers tag other photographers to answer questions on their blog (I guess).  This tag comes from my dear friend Whitney that I met while at our awesome workshop last fall.  She was my "green group" buddy and I feel like we've truly become good this is for you Whitney!  

4 Things I did Today
1.  Finished editing a session...and started work on another...whew!
2.  Met with my new office assistant for the first time!  Love you Erin!
3.  Prayed for Cory's Dad and his surgery (her and her family too).  
4.  Started packing for our trip to my sister-in-laws in Florida. 

4 Things on My To Do List
1.  Ummmm....4 things?  I have about 10 lists on various pieces of paper with at least 20 things on each list...oh well...#1   Edit my own children's photos and get them in the blank photo frames hanging on the walls
2.  Edit my Australia photos, post them and send them to hubby's family.
3.  Get some family photos taken before hubby deploys again this summer.
4.  Finish at least one project completely...Ava's room, the studio, taking items to Goodwill (I boxed them)...etc...etc...etc.

4 of my guiltiest Pleasures
1.'s a new thing, but I love stuff, clothes, shoes, camera equipment, etc
2. cream, chocolate, cake
3.  Antiquing...I need to go with Whitney!  I'm coming to California Whitney, lets hit some antique shops...there's not a lot here!
4.  People magazine...I get it only when hubby is deployed with extra money we make.

4 Random Facts About Me
1.  I only saw my husband in person about 9 times before we were married.
2.  I come from a small town...graduating class of 60.
3.  I feel at home near the water...I'm sure it's because I grew up on the shores of Lake Michigan.
4.  I'm not photographing weddings much anymore...too much time away from the fam...but I miss the result of capturing one of the most beautiful days of life. who do I tag now?  Well...I'm going to tag Cory, since there are 2 of us who own this blog and you should get to know her better too!  I'm also going to tag the amazing Josee, because I look up to her and she's in Canada, so if I can't get up there to photograph my best friend from high school's baby this winter, I'm sending her!
Next is Bonnie, one the sweetest gals I know.  She's joining me for a Brianna Graham workshop in the fall...yipee.
One more, Andi that I also got to know at our workshop last fall.  I just love her presence.
So the rest of the people I would have tagged have already been tagged by Whitney!  Go to it girls...can't wait to read your answers. ~Kristin

Happy Happy

I had the pleasure of meeting the "F" Family last week.  They came to the studio full of great ideas and we had such a day!  This sweet little girl was the happiest baby I think I've ever photographed!  She was smiles the whole time she was awake and looked like a complete angel when she napped.  Hope you enjoy your small preview...the rest is coming soon!  ~Kristin

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

She's here!

You may remember the "T" family from their maternity session...well their precious baby girl arrived and they are overjoyed to have her in their life. She is so precious and looks just like her Daddy! Little "A" was very good for us, but quite the socialite...she did not want to sleep but wanted to be a part of all the action. Hope you enjoy "T" family. best wishes, Cory

Monday, May 18, 2009


I spent part of my Mother's Day photographing these adorable twins and their gorgeous mom.  Unfortunately, it took them a while to find the golf course, but when they got there we had a blast.  What a fun, energetic family.  The little guys were so funny and their mom "T," you could see clearly, was so in love with her boys.  We got to run and play on the golf course at Legacy Links in Aberdeen...a picture perfect setting.  The course is open to the public if you want to try it out, and we know the head guy there...he's pretty great (Cory's husband).  "T" I hope these photos are worth spending your Mother's Day driving around for a was a joy for me.  ~Kristin

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Mother's Morning Out

If you are looking for an AMAZING childcare program for your littles ones, we have one for you!  A Mother's Morning Out located off of Ramsey Street in Fayetteville is the best around.  I can say this because I send my 4 and 2 year old there and have been for the past couple of years (Cory does too).  We drive all the way from Raeford because we believe this program has the most loving, attentive teachers.  Emily and Kristy teach the children, they don't babysit.  They love the children, they don't just tolerate them.  If you are a mom and need just a few hours of free time a couple mornings a week, this is the place!  We promise you won't be disappointed.  You can call them for enrollment in summer session at 910-429-0700.  On that note, here are the little ones from the school's spring class photos.  Aren't they cute and funny?  Trying to "tie" down this many toddlers is interesting!  Hope you enjoy!  ~Kristin

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun "Y" Family

I adore this family and the friendship we've had for the last few years.  My friend "K" was pregnant with this little guy here when I was pregnant with my son.  Our husbands traveled home from deployment together, early, to be there for our sons births.  We have a beautiful bond and I am so honored to be able to photograph their family as they grow and change.  I hope they enjoy the preview (all the proofs are almost done).  Isn't little lady "B" just a doll?  I love the photos best with her huge smile and laugh.  Ahhh...what an amazing job I have!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


What a gorgeous group, dressed and ready for Prom! The "L" family is dear to my family and Kristin's as well. Our families are very close and the girls work closely with us too! "E" is our favorite babysitter...Kristin and I call her "the baby whisperer"; and "A" has been a great assistant to us both...she will soon be off to photography school herself! "E" had along her best friend "A" so we were able to get some sweet shots of best friends being silly together. What a fun time! with love, Cory

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Favorite Spot

I have a new spot that I love to photograph. It is an old abandoned barn and field area that I see when I drive to my cousin's house. I love to look for new, interesting places to photograph as I drive in the also helps me to see the beauty around me that God has created. Anyway, my first attempt photographing here was the lovely "P" family. Three great, fun, animated kids and a beautiful mom dear to my heart. I usually photograph them right before Christmas, but it was so much fun to do them in the spring this year and to do something a little different. Hope Pappa enjoys the little preview...stay safe "S." Thanks for all the fun and braving the heat...luv ya!