Saturday, November 15, 2008

Love Them!!

It's that time of year again when I get to photograph my dear friends the "T Family." I always look forward to the time I spend with them. I have watched the kids grow since little "G Man" was a baby. He used to give me one shot and then he would tell me he was how times have changed! As you can see we have a little model on our hands. He has perfected the deep, mysterious look already! Then there is beautiful "Miss P" who I adore. You would never guess her age in a million years! She is so beautiful and grown up looking. By the way, her dad is going to get me for saying that! Sorry, but you know I love you all! So here's a sneak at your gorgeous children...the family photos are on the way.



Anonymous said...

what a bunch of cuties! great shots :)

Bloom Photography said...

Thanks Whitney! That means a lot coming from you!

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