Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Birth Announcements!

We are so excited to introduce our new line of Vintage Mod Baby birth announcements! You can take a look at the examples here . All cards are printed in groups of 25 and come on fine art paper, with your choice of paper finish (pearl, standard, etc.). The cards come in a variety of styles and sizes. Envelopes are included. Contact us with any questions or to book a sitting for your new addition!

Monday, January 26, 2009


This family loves to laugh and Dad gets them all having a great time. They are a dear family to me and my family so it is always a pleasure taking their photographs! So hard to choose what to preview...and there are so many more of big brother "N" and little miss "L" that I'd love to show. Little miss "L" turned 1 a few months ago so we had to capture her standing/walking. Hope you enjoy "C" family and I'll have the rest for you soon. with love, Cory

Friday, January 23, 2009

Amazing Help, Adorable Family!

When the sweet Momma of this family called for a session, I didn't realize how much help and fun I would have! Grandma and Auntie were in from Chicago (close to my neck of the woods) and they were the best helpers I could ask for! Everyone pitched in to hold the reflector, move the furniture and calm the little one. The only one who managed to escape without a photo was Auntie...now how did that happen? Oh and did I mention they had the cutest, most well behaved dog! He even looked at the baby when asked...now that's a dog that should be in show business. Anyway, the love that surrounded this little guy was so special and I felt right at home. Thanks so much for inviting me into your lives. The rest of your photos should be ready soon...until then I hope you enjoy the few here!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sweet Interactions

I was so excited to photograph the "M" family at their home. Mom was so high energy, full of ideas and excited! I LOVE EXCITED CLIENTS! Dad was such a sport, playing along with all of our many ideas. He was so helpful with the little one and very quiet about the fact he was not fond of photographs...I hope he loves the result of his hard work. Good job dad! I have to say, my favorites from this session were of loving mom and dad interacting with the little guy. Their adoration for him and each other is evident...and I fell in love with their expressions together as a family. I hope I get the chance to see them again before their PCS out of country!
P.S. Isn't the bubble bath photo just adorable?

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Couple More

I couldn't resist posting a couple more from my snowy shoot. I even got my friend to jump in with her kids for a couple. She doesn't look any older than they do does she? Thanks "L"...Love you.

Fun in the Michigan Snow!

I can't tell you how excited I was when my childhood friend "L" asked to photograph her children on my visit home for Christmas! My idea all along had been a session out in the snow and we had the perfect day! Beautiful, airy, lake-effect snow was softly falling and made this I think my most fun shoot ever. It was freezing, but the kids were having a blast and so was I. There were so many photos to pick from that it was so hard to narrow them down for the blog. I have the kids laughing, knocking each other over, playing in the snow and being fantastic models of course. I am going to do something fabulous with these for the studio for sure!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Gift of Friendship

I recently was in Michigan to spend the holidays with my family. It was an amazing time to see the people I love. One of those people who has been a special part of my life for many years is my loving friend "N." We've been through so much together...she was by my side when I was married, we've shared the ups and downs of life...and most recently the birth of her second, precious baby girl "Sweet Little A." I was almost afraid that "Little Miss A" and I were not going to have our newborn session date because this little angel has had some health issues and then I came down with bronchitis! But, after it all, God gave me the desire of my heart, to photograph this lovely baby. Thank you "N" for your eternal friendship and for sharing the lives of your beautiful children with me. I am so lucky...here's your sneak peek...more to come. Love you.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm a Little Behind

This holiday season has been busy and rough on us. It's been wonderful, but with a number of sicknesses and traveling I've barely had time to do much of anything. I've been sick myself for the past week. Anyway, I want to post a few photos of my clients the "L" Family. I photographed them before Xmas and they were wonderful. I don't want you to feel left out! You guys are so great! I love to photograph them cause "Mr L" loves to give me a hard time, but he's the best. He tried to convince me that their family photos needed to be taken with the football goal post in the background! I almost believed him! He can be pretty convincing really! Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to them for being caring clients and more than that...for offering any help I needed during our rough time. That is what I love about the people I have met here...they are genuine and love with their whole hearts. I appreciate your kindness. And I will be posting more from new shoots soon...I'm so excited about a one I did of my dear friend's family in the Michigan snow!