This holiday season has been busy and rough on us. It's been wonderful, but with a number of sicknesses and traveling I've barely had time to do much of anything. I've been sick myself for the past week. Anyway, I want to post a few photos of my clients the "L" Family. I photographed them before Xmas and they were wonderful. I don't want you to feel left out! You guys are so great! I love to photograph them cause "Mr L" loves to give me a hard time, but he's the best. He tried to convince me that their family photos needed to be taken with the football goal post in the background! I almost believed him! He can be pretty convincing really! Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to them for being caring clients and more than that...for offering any help I needed during our rough time. That is what I love about the people I have met here...they are genuine and love with their whole hearts. I appreciate your kindness. And I will be posting more from new shoots soon...I'm so excited about a one I did of my dear friend's family in the Michigan snow!
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