Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcome Calder R!

My beautiful, dear friend gave birth to her sweet little man yesterday. I have not even started editing her maternity photos yet, but in celebration of his arrival, I thought I'd post a couple photos for them and our friends. We are so excited! Yeah! I'll probably be taking his newborn photos before I'm done with the maternity ones. We love you "R" family...we welcome your little blessing into our hearts, family and our lives. ~Kristin

Dressed Up Darlings

The two lovely little girls you see here came all dolled up in the cutest dresses. I had so much fun playing with little Miss "D" as we were having our session. We took the photos inside in our church lobby! It was such a yucky day out, so couldn't venture outside, but God gave us His home to use! Anyway, I had to grab a photo of "D" in her adorable hoodie sweater before she it! I am also so grateful to have had Miss "V" as my model and assistant. She helped me out so much with little sis and was enjoying the posing herself! ~Kristin

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We Love Aunt Bay!

The three siblings you see here were not as happy as they look in the beginning...just look at the last photo :) But, we were so lucky to have their Aunt Bay come to the rescue and give us an amazing turn out. I don't like studio least right now with the set up I have, but I have to say that with the personalities of these three children, I like them! Thanks "A" for letting me photograph your handsome little guy and adorable twins! ~Kristin

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Confess

I have to confess, I am a texture addict! I had to add this photo from my last session. If you've been following the blog, you know almost every post I do I have a photo with texture. I just love adding the textures to photos! I think I am in love with this technique because I am an artist at heart. I grew up drawing with pastels and charcoal pencil. When I drew, the more texture and roughness the better. This way, I am adding a little more of myself to my photos, and in my opinion, making them a little more like a work of art. Hope you like the new style that we've been adding! We love doing what we do! ~Kristin

My Little Buddy

I was fortunate enough to photograph the lovely "W" family. They were so happy to see me, even the little guy who became my buddy. He wanted to play with me and show me everything, which was so much fun. I did have a hard time keeping up with him though. He is full of life and energy and kept me up and down and on my toes. It's one of the reasons I love me job, it gives me a workout and keeps me young. ~Kristin

Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm so grateful to have had the chance to photograph this mom and her son. She was one of the people nominated by her best friend for the Christmas Giveaway. Although she did not win the large package, I wanted to give each nominee a small package and sitting. She is truly inspiring. I'm sure you can see the connection between her and her son and the love that is there. It takes someone special to go through what she has and still have the joy in her heart. I was so lucky to view the optimism that is still hers overflowing from her little guy. Thanks so much for allowing me to get to know you Miss "S." I wish you all the best and know you will do so much in life. ~Kristin

Monday, February 9, 2009

One more for a Laugh

Ok, I was editing the photos I posted earlier and came across this one. I just laughed so hard. It portrays the story of our family and so many others... It says to me, here is the first baby (the dog) and then along comes another baby of the human kind. The poor doggies always seem to get less attention after the new baby comes along, just because of the sheer amount of energy needed to take care of a new little life. Anyway, the look in the dog's eyes is priceless to me as the baby is trying to grab the dog's toy. He's saying "This is mine...I am not giving this last ounce of happiness up!" Well, hope it puts a smile on your face as it did mine. And don't worry, this doggie gets lots of loving still and so do my sweet baby dogs. Until next time...Kristin

Ocean Eyes

This little guy has the most brilliant aquamarine colored eyes! They remind me of the ocean in Belize. Obviously his eyes aren't the only striking thing about him, he's super handsome all around. He's a busy little guy and I had a fun time playing at home with him and being able to capture him with his family. The beautiful great dane you see in the photos is such a sweet, BIG baby. It made me so glad to be able to have the big doggie in the photos, as he's getting older and is such an important part of their life. Thanks "N" family for the beautiful day at your home and the lake. ~Kristin
P.S. The goose poop came out just fine...just a part of the job!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tutu Princess

Little Miss "L" and I have been seeing each other every couple of months for some time now. Her mom is so great...she always has the best outfits and props for the little one's photos. This time, for her first birthday photos, I got to go to their home and it was like the rooms jumped off the pages of Pottery Barn magazine. I couldn't have had a better setting with the cutest tutu princess. Little "L" has the most adorable outfits and the sweetest pink and brown room (to die for)! She was the best little model too, because you can't even tell from the photos that her second tooth was coming in and she was in pain. Poor baby! Hope you're feeling better little one.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Model Maternity Shoot

I got the amazing opportunity to photograph a beautiful mom-to-be and her sweet hubby. They were so cute and excited about the little boy who is going to be making his entrance into the world very soon! They had so many ideas and I barely had to do any coaching...this girl looked amazing in front of the camera. Her adoring husband had nothing but praise for her and as you can see from the photos, was in awe of his lovely wife. I can't wait to meet the little guy! Oh and crazy enough...if they were going to have a girl, they were going to name her my daughter's name...first and middle! I love this family! Can't wait to see you in the next few weeks!