Monday, February 9, 2009

One more for a Laugh

Ok, I was editing the photos I posted earlier and came across this one. I just laughed so hard. It portrays the story of our family and so many others... It says to me, here is the first baby (the dog) and then along comes another baby of the human kind. The poor doggies always seem to get less attention after the new baby comes along, just because of the sheer amount of energy needed to take care of a new little life. Anyway, the look in the dog's eyes is priceless to me as the baby is trying to grab the dog's toy. He's saying "This is mine...I am not giving this last ounce of happiness up!" Well, hope it puts a smile on your face as it did mine. And don't worry, this doggie gets lots of loving still and so do my sweet baby dogs. Until next time...Kristin


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