Thursday, March 26, 2009

Giving to those in need

I was snapping some shots of little "G" for her mom because the hat she wears is special.
1) Because mommy hand crocheted it
2) These and other hand made items will benefit children in need

Michelle and I are friends from church and she is so talented and very generous! Our church (The Fayetteville Church) collects a missions contribution every year and the money goes to support churches in our fellowship in other countries. Currently our church helps support churches in South Africa. The Durban, South Africa Church supports a local orphanage that has become special to our congregation.

Michelle is creating a website for people to purchase her hand made items (vintage and modern pillowcase dresses, hats, bibs, and more); there will also be other talented women contributing items. The proceeds will go directly to the orphanage in Durban. Here is her site Hope you enjoy these Michelle, thanks for letting me photograph your model baby! with love, Cory

Family Fun!

I had the opportunity to play at the park with the "K" family before they move. It was so much fun to see little "L" enjoy riding his trike outside for the first time! He is 2 and so most boys are! The one picture, you can see he is taking off down the hill with no fear, and his parents are running to catch him. I loved this session because it captures this wonderful family enjoying a day at the park...hope this captures this time in your life with fun days at the park and memories of little "L" riding his bike! with love, Cory

Tiny Toes

Is it me, or isn't it just adorable how little babies around 6 months old love their little toes...they grab them, they nibble on them, and at this age their pudgy little feet are so cute! Little "K" is six months old and she loves her piggies. This Dad works with my husband at Legacy Golf Links in Aberdeen...if you ever visit or play there you can thank "S" for the condition of the course! Thanks "K" family for the opportunity to spend time with your lovely family. ~Cory

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sweet Baby "A"

I had the pleasure of photographing the tiny, sweet baby "A" this week. Her parents are so in love with her and grateful to have her home! I love going to people's homes to see them in their environment; I especially love photographs of the newest babies in mom & dad's arms, because in the years to come you cherish these precious memories of them so tiny in your arms! Time goes so fast and if your like me in only a few years time you will forget that your little baby could have ever been so content in your arms. I so cherish the photographs I have with my own, especially now that my little girl is about to turn 3! Being with little "A" made me reflect on those early days of holding the tiniest little miracle. Thank you "J" family for letting me capture this special time for you! ~Cory

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Headed Down Under

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that my family and I will be heading to the other side of the world this week! How exciting is that? I have not traveled much and am SO looking forward to going to Australia with my hubby and kiddos to visit my in-laws. The hubby was born an Aussie and we are finally getting the chance to go visit! I will be returning to NC in about a month and will post some photos for you guys when I get back. Thanks so much for your love and support and keep checking the blog for Cory's awesome work. She will be taking care of the business entirely while I'm away, so give her some encouragement if you can! Can't wait to book some spring sessions when I return. Also, we have some amazing new products and events coming up...stay tuned for details! Until next time...God bless and G'Day Mates! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Little "G"

I had been waiting for the birth of Little "G" for weeks hoping that he would come before our vacation. I was so happy when I got to photograph him this week. He was so good and alert! Mommy and Daddy are so smitten with him, and who wouldn't be with that face and handsome tuft of hair? It was a joy to be there and to see this family grow from a loving couple to a complete family. They are just so cute together and I have been so blessed to get to know you all. As I work through the photos, these are just a few that caught my eye. ~Kristin

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Maternity Shoot Adventure

So my recent maternity shoot was so much fun! My friend "R" and her sweet hubby "I" were game for anything when it came to their session! When I mentioned that I had had my eye on a burned down building with only it's chimney standing, they said "Sounds great!" I love clients who are willing to trust my vision and are game for anything. In this shot, they were standing on the porch, on top of some charred remains of a building and a little glass...but how cool is this! I love being an artist and "R" is an artist herself, so she truly appreciates my crazy visions. Remember...YOU ARE YOUR ART! More to come from this session. ~Kristin

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

All boys!

I actually got to these's so fun to get home, load the photos and see what I I worked on a few here of the "L" boys. You've heard Kristin and I say it before...the great part of our profession is the people we meet & the lasting relationship that we form. I've known both of these little guys since they were only days old, and now they are 2 years old and 6 months old. I've gotten to know the "L" family well & I often feel more like I'm hanging out with friends than with "clients". Big Brother "G" has always done so well for me, but today he had me running, on the ground, following him as he was on the go. He loves his little brother, but was too busy to sit for long with him...he had balls to throw, trains to see, and bubbles to catch. Little "F" as you can see was most happy with Mom...she didn't plan to be in any photographs, but it was so natural to capture her in a few...and they are some of my favorites...she is such a great mom and so beautiful too!
hope you enjoy your preview "L" family, I will have the rest for you soon. ~Cory

Little Miss "M"

I love Little Miss "M." Not only is her family dear to my heart, but I have been photographing her since she was a baby and look at her now! She is just gorgeous and full of life. She usually gives me a couple of minutes and then our shoot is done, but this time she obliged me by playing with me in her pretty new room. She even got to jump on the bed (as you can see) and dress up like Tinkerbell towards the end. Just a quick note...the amazing beds were antiques made more lovely by the talented painting skills of Mrs. Carolyn Derusseau...a local artist. She sometimes shows her work at Fourth Friday downtown. ~Kristin

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"N" Family

It was such a pleasure to photograph the "N" Family. They were a referral from a very dear client of mine. I'm posting just a couple as I work through the photos...I just love the interaction of the sepia cute and little "O" is only 3 years old and such a model. I had so much fun! Hope you love the results! ~Kristin

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Here's one more for the "R" family. Love this little guy. ~Kristin

In Love

Well I have to say that I am in love with my dear friend's new little addition. I mean look at that skin tone and those big eyes! What a sweet little bug this guy was, although he refused to sleep for sad. I hope that even though we did not get the sleepy time photos, my friends still adore the shots we did get. And check out cute little sis...dark hair and blue eyes...what a combo! Love you guys, it's a joy for me to give this gift to you. ~Kristin

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Patience is a Virtue!

The little guy in these photos was so cute, but also gave me a run for my money (smile). We actually ended up doing 2 sessions and got some cute results. I love my job, no matter how long, how is all worth it. And, I got to get to know this amazing family pretty well with all the time we spent together. Thanks for your hospitality and kindness "H" Family.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

One Quick Peek

Here's one from a recent session of a three week old little guy. Just wanted mom and dad to see that we did get some adorable shots! And we worked hard for them! More to come. ~Kristin

Sweet Reunions

I have been waiting to have this session for almost a year Dad has been overseas serving our country. This mom and little boy were so excited to have him home. As most of you know a lot of men are usually not too excited about being photographed, but he was so patient and up for anything. Such a sweet family and a sweet reunion. Thank you for serving our country and for the sacrifice your family makes. ~Cory