1) Because mommy hand crocheted it
2) These and other hand made items will benefit children in need
Michelle and I are friends from church and she is so talented and very generous! Our church (The Fayetteville Church) collects a missions contribution every year and the money goes to support churches in our fellowship in other countries. Currently our church helps support churches in South Africa. The Durban, South Africa Church supports a local orphanage that has become special to our congregation.
Michelle is creating a website for people to purchase her hand made items (vintage and modern pillowcase dresses, hats, bibs, and more); there will also be other talented women contributing items. The proceeds will go directly to the orphanage in Durban. Here is her site www.geocities.com/nanawear Hope you enjoy these Michelle, thanks for letting me photograph your model baby! with love, Cory

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