Sunday, March 15, 2009

Headed Down Under

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that my family and I will be heading to the other side of the world this week! How exciting is that? I have not traveled much and am SO looking forward to going to Australia with my hubby and kiddos to visit my in-laws. The hubby was born an Aussie and we are finally getting the chance to go visit! I will be returning to NC in about a month and will post some photos for you guys when I get back. Thanks so much for your love and support and keep checking the blog for Cory's awesome work. She will be taking care of the business entirely while I'm away, so give her some encouragement if you can! Can't wait to book some spring sessions when I return. Also, we have some amazing new products and events coming up...stay tuned for details! Until next time...God bless and G'Day Mates! :)


whitney elizabeth said...

can't wait to see your australia photos!!! :)

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